New Wooden Victorian Window Replacement Installation Contractor
in San Francisco

Before Installation - New sashes during the process of fitting them to the angle of an unsupported bay that has settled significantly. Our work significantly decreased the street noise on this busy stretch of Valencia St.

After Installation - New window sashes are only as good as their installation. The settling of this bay requires careful planing & fitting to match this distortion. Look carefully at the accomodating angle of fit along the very top and bottom horizontal components.

Transom Window Before Installation - We make traditional window sashes in San Francisco.

Transom Window After Installation - Redwood Victorian window. After finishes were applied, this above-door transom was a perfect match.
Complete window replacement for Victorian homes in San Francisco is not typically necessary. Those rare cases are generally limited to windows where the frame (or jamb) has extensive rot in two or more locations.
We most commonly see this in modern window replacements made of pine, installed in the last twenty-five years or so. Typically when we install new windows or parts, it is to replace ugly aluminum or vinyl windows. In cases where a new window is needed, we install a window of Douglas fir that has been custom fabricated to match your original windows.
We are also well versed with the process required to obtain permits from the San Francisco Building Department for historic structures with landmark designation.
Wooden windows vs. vinyl windows: Wood windows can be easily maintained by repainting them. They can be adjusted to continue to fit well, even as your house continues to settle through the next century. Vinyl windows are plastic windows and and cannot be serviced. When parts break replacements wont be available.